Yao Ren, Secretary of District Party Committee, Visited LCF to Investigate and Guide Its Work

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2021-02-18 18:12 Views: 1231

February 18, Yao Ren, secretary of Shenzhen Bao’an District Party Committee, District Governor Li De led the district Party Committee, District Government office, District Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Human Resources Bureau, Health Bureau, emergency Management Bureau and other responsible leaders to visit Shenzhen LCF headquarters for investigation, to deeply understand the work resumption, production safety, epidemic prevention and control of enterprises, and to listen to the business development demands of enterprises. Ms. Long Pingfang, president of LCF, and the company's senior management team warmly received the visiting leaders.


The visiting leaders first visited the intelligent multi-functional scene exhibition hall of LCF headquarters. During the visit and inspection, President Long Pingfang gave a detailed report on LCF’s development strategy and plan for the next five years. LCF was displayed by an LED. The 16-year-old manufacturing plant of the screen extends to an integrated service provider of sound, light, and intelligent manufacturing, and an overall scenario solution provider. It not only has its own high-end hardware production and manufacturing capabilities, but also has a complete solution service capability. LCF has three scene solutions. The first is traditional commercial display, which uses traditional LED display screens to change the shape to create eye-catching creative screens; the second is immersive virtual simulation scenes, which is a major trend in the film and television industry. , Provides an effective cost reduction solution for film shooting. The performance industry LCF is also unique. It has not only successfully hosted many Taiwan, Hong Kong and other star concerts led by Jay Chou, but also provided live interactive scene solutions such as light sticks, screens, and domes. The third is smart city multi-function. The smart pole uses one pole to collect data, transmit and analyze it, and realize a visualization solution. Secretary Yao spoke highly of LCF's rapid development and innovation capabilities, and hoped that the company will continue to take root in Bao’an, and develop its own characteristics in the fields of cultural performance and smart city.


Ms. Long emphasized that LCF will cooperate with Bao’an District, take advantage of Shenzhen's policy, environment and transportation advantages, seize the construction opportunities of the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" and "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics pilot Demonstration Zone", and join hands to build the LED display industry benchmark and China's intelligent manufacturing benchmark. At the same time, LCF will also give full play to its innovative advantages in 5G smart lamppost, LED application products and solutions, and make modest contributions to the construction of national smart cities.


Secretary Yao seriously listened to the report and visit a lot of link in the process of a detailed inquiries, the company advanced enterprise culture idea, the mature enterprise management mode and create many classic case gave full affirmation, secretary Yao special emphasis, LCF is a full of the feelings, have social sense of responsibility, has the compassion enterprise staff with  LCF is very careful in caring for its employees.  At the same time, Secretary Yao acknowledged the development concept and the depth and breadth of business layout of LCF Sound and optoelectronic intelligent manufacturing integrated service provider. Secretary Yao hoped that the company would continue to innovate and break through, maintain a good development trend, introduce more and better products and services, and strive to make China intelligent manufacturing shine on the world stage.


The visit of the visiting leaders and their delegation has given us more confidence and encouragement, and We would like to express our sincere thanks for their visit and support. LCF will continue to focus on the breakthrough of LED display technology, adhere to scientific research and innovation, lead the development of the industry, strive to continue to write more "spring story", and strive to create a new and greater miracle that makes the world sit up and take notice.


LCF  LED display   smart lamppost  5G   smart city