Good news! Lianchengfa won the honorary title of "2022 High-quality Development Leading Enterprise"!

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2022-11-18 20:46 Views: 1433

On the afternoon of November 18, the 3rd High-quality Development Summit Forum and the 2022 High-quality Development Leading Enterprises and Leaders Awards Ceremony were grandly held in Shenzhen Unicom Building. The forum was sponsored by the Shenzhen Enterprise High-quality Development Promotion Association and Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) High-tech Institute. The list of Shenzhen's "2022 High-quality Development Leading Enterprises and Leaders" was released on the spot. Lianchengfa, Tejianfa, Hansen Together with industry leaders such as software, it was successfully included in the list of "2022 High-Quality Development Leading Enterprises".

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Tang Jie, the former vice mayor of Shenzhen and director of Hong Kong Chinese (Shenzhen), Li Fengliang, secretary of the party committee of Southern University of Science and Technology, dean of the Global Urban Civilization Model Research Institute, Ruan Shuangchen, president of Shenzhen University of Technology, and hundreds of heavyweight guests including representatives of entrepreneurs, experts and scholars Gather for a feast. As one of the award-winning companies, Lianchengfa was also invited to attend this event, and participated in the grand event with industry leaders, and discussed the high-quality development of enterprises in the Bay Area.

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It is reported that the list was launched in May this year. Under the guidance of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Shenzhen Enterprise High-quality Development Promotion Association and Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) High-tech Institute launched the selection process. More than 800 companies and more than 300 individuals signed up for the evaluation. After on-the-spot research and comprehensive evaluation, the expert review team fully explored pioneering enterprises and leading figures with development potential, market competitiveness and brand influence, and praised a group of enterprises that have made achievements in scientific and technological innovation, coordinated development, green and low-carbon, and open contributions. Shenzhen enterprises and entrepreneurs with remarkable achievements.

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Lianchengfa's ranking on the "2022 High-Quality Development Leading Enterprises" list is a comprehensive consideration and continuous affirmation of Lianchengfa's technological innovation, driving force, contribution, influence, and green and low-carbon corporate social responsibilities. Chengfa is highly recognized for its demonstration and driving role as a leader in the LED display industry.

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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "High-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way", and made "high-quality development" an essential requirement of Chinese-style modernization. As a national-level professional and special new small giant enterprise, Lianchengfa actively responds to the call of the country, always adheres to the concept of technological innovation and high-quality development, and continuously promotes the intelligent upgrading of products. Lianchengfa's LED display products have successively passed CNAS, CE, FCC, CCC and other quality certifications and related ROHS certifications at home and abroad, and achieved a number of industry-leading products. Key technical indicators of products, manufacturing technology, and high-end research and development levels are all ahead of the international advanced level and the domestic industry level. At the same time, Lianchengfa also deeply integrates the real economy and the digital economy, strategically deploys 5G+8K, Mini/Micro LED display technology, cultural tourism technology, smart cities and other cutting-edge fields, and builds a new cross-industry business model ecological chain.

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In addition, Longxian's small-pitch LED display series products and visualization solutions selected into the "Shenzhen Innovative Product Promotion and Application Catalogue" have been widely used in the construction of smart government affairs, smart medical care, smart education, smart cities and other fields. Lianchengfa's 5G multifunctional smart pole and cloud management platform lead the technology and standards in the field of smart light poles through the integration of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, AI, and artificial intelligence, laying a solid foundation for the construction of smart cities across the country.

LCF high quality LED

The award of "2022 High-Quality Development Leading Enterprise" this time is another commemorative milestone on the road of Lianchengfa's high-quality development. In the future, Lianchengfa will continue to focus on technology and product innovation, practice the strategy of strengthening the enterprise with quality, and strive to become a world-class integrated service provider of sound, light and intelligent manufacturing, and help Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Shenzhen Pioneering Demonstration Zone "Double District" construction, and make greater contributions to speeding up the construction of a strong country of intellectual manufacturing and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.