LCF Held Its 2020 Annual Duty Report and Commendation Conference

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2021-01-16 18:12 Views: 1441

On January 16, the 2020 Debriefing and Commendation Conference with the theme of "Transcendence, Transformation and Sublimation" was grandly held in the multifunctional studio of Lianchengfa headquarters. This meeting summarized the achievements and shortcomings of the past year and looked forward to it. Directions and goals for the coming year. Long Pingfang, the founder and president of Lianchengfa, Mao Qiangjun, the secretary of the board of directors, and the principals of various departments attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Chairman Mao Qiangjun. 


At the meeting, the main persons in charge of each department took the stage to report on their duties. There are many highlights of the on-site report of each department, focusing on the work performance of each department in 2020, the existing problems and the work plan for the new year. Everyone shows performance, reveals data, talks about ideas, and talks about measures, with clear thinking, clear goals, and each with its own characteristics.



Subsequently, the conference commended the advanced group in 2020, and awarded awards such as the annual peak team award, the annual outstanding team award, and the annual outstanding team award. Ms. Long presented awards to the winning departments respectively. Each achievement is the result of everyone's hard work and continuous struggle; each award is the performance of our perseverance and courage to strive for the first place. The results in 2020 are outstanding, and we will continue our efforts in 2021.


At the end of the meeting, Mr. Long commented on the reports of each department one by one, affirmed the achievements and progress made by each department in the past year, and put forward ardent hopes and requirements, and gave pertinent suggestions and improvement measures to make each department Clearer the focus and direction of future work. Mr. Long expressed his gratitude to all employees for their hard work in the past year, affirmed their achievements, congratulated all the commended advanced collectives, and proposed the business strategy, management ideas and standards for 2021, which should be based on "innovation and change". "Breakthrough" is the business policy to promote the company’s business innovation and sustainable development. It is necessary to further straighten out the management thinking, establish scientific evaluation standards and strengthen the requirements of three aspects of management core methods. Mr. Long emphasized that we must actively carry out related work in 2021 in terms of quality, innovation, and service under the guidance of "quality benchmarking, innovation and multiple practices, strong market development, talent improvement, and multiple channels of management". The high mountain is not terrible, as long as we persist in climbing, we will be able to reach the top of the mountain; the road is far from terrible, as long as we persist in walking, we will be able to achieve our goals. The great dream of “world brand”.


This year’s debriefing and commendation conference came to an end in a harmonious, warm and joyful atmosphere. This conference showed a scene where the entire company rolled up its sleeves and worked hard, not afraid of hardships and challenges, in the very extraordinary 2020 in the past. Picture and impressive results. In 2021, the new curtain will be launched. I hope everyone will continue to be courageous, work together, create new achievements, and create brilliance again, and make a small contribution to the healthy and high-quality development of the global LED display industry.