Blooming with confidence and moving forward, Lianchengfa etiquette training activities have ended successfully!

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2018-07-17 09:31 Views: 1341

    Civilized etiquette is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Its scope and content are all-encompassing and ubiquitous. All aspects of a person's manners, expressions, conversation, and treatment of others can show a person's quality and accomplishments and the overall image of a unit. On July 14, 2018, Lianchengfa Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 837293) specially invited senior etiquette trainers and teacher Huo Meiling from Tianbao College to conduct etiquette training for company


 The etiquette training was held on the seventh floor of the headquarters. Teacher Meiling Huo gave detailed explanations and on-site guidance on makeup, dress, standing posture, sitting posture and walking posture. 


    The entire training site was packed with seats, and the atmosphere was lively and full of laughter. At the scene, in the face of the questions raised by the teacher, everyone actively participated and spoke actively, expressing their views and understanding of etiquette.


      "If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand." Good appearance and behavior are an important source of impressions between people. Ms. Huo Meiling started with the definition of etiquette and pointed out the importance of the first impression and how to leave a good first impression for everyone.


"It's so shallow on paper, and I absolutely know that this matter must be practiced." The chief financial officer learns the appropriate sitting postures on site, giving people a sense of elegance, stability, and natural beauty throughout the process.


      In the aspect of skin care, Ms. Huo Meiling is also quite knowledgeable. PPT demonstrates the steps and maintenance methods of different skin types. At the same time, it also explains in detail the skin care problems raised by the participants in the training. 


     As the saying goes, "If you make a mistake, you will lose all the games"! Teacher Huo emphasized that in terms of dressing, in addition to the matching of styles, textures and colors of clothes and shoes, socks are also a place to pay attention to. We will give you some help on the spot. Please find "highlights" together.



The etiquette training activities are rich in content, explain profound theories in simple language, and vividly image. Everyone has a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of etiquette and image shaping, and expressed that they will always establish a sense of detail in their daily work, pay attention to etiquette at all times, pay attention to work details, and internalize the knowledge learned in the heart and externalize the behavior. , To show the good image of Lianchengfa people.


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