LCF Transaction Volume Exceeded 100 Million Yuan on 618 Live Promotion !

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2021-06-18 22:56 Views: 2410

June 18, the mid-year holiday, which caused a shopping frenzy among millions of consumers, has always been a stage only for major e-commerce companies. This year, however, a well-known LED display company came out of nowhere and made a shock in the field of live broadcasting, stunning the whole industry with sales of 100 million yuan. This unique way of business of LCF.


At half past nine in the morning, LCF direct broadcast room started on time. Digital audio and visual engineering network reporters were invited to the event site, feel the warm atmosphere of the live broadcast.  With the theme of "Meet 618, Give you the best screen", the event is organized by LCF to thank and reward its close and trusted partners and new and old customers over the years, with the most sincere intentions and the most favorable benefits for users to bring real benefits.


After the introduction of the park and enterprise cases, the eagerly awaited product link officially began. The event provided visitors with small pitch P1.875, P1.5625, P1.25 and indoor P2.5 and P4 products.  Create a series of small spacing and indoor display free combination purchase, provide the most powerful discount for the audience, with the amazing price to attract continuous likes, P4 as low as 100 yuan/pcs, P2.5 as low as 175 yuan/pcs...


The promotion activity with full sincerity exploded directly in the live broadcast room. Not only the comments flooded the screen instantly, but the order volume soared immediately, and the offline sales hotline was immediately full of sales staff, racing against time to deliver benefits to customers.  On the occasion of the broadcast room, Ms. Long Pingfang, founder and President of LCF, also went to the scene to visit and guide the production workshop, and led the staff with actions to accompany and support the activities, making the broadcast room more popular.


As a traditional photoelectric display manufacturer, LCF boldly attacks the current novel field of live broadcasting, which is hard for many enterprises to imagine, LCF can be said to be able to.  The success of 100 million is inseparable from the vision and wisdom of the founder and President, Ms. Long Pingfang. With her keen sense of business, she has led all the staff to open up a new territory and create another stunning achievement in the industry.


This LCF live broadcast has achieved unprecedented success with a total audience of 100,000 and a turnover of 100 million yuan. According to the team, In the future, LCF will hold live broadcast from time to time to distribute welfare. It seems that the next shopping carnival will bring us another expectation.


100 million yuan turnover is a medal of honor for LCF to break the barrier again.  This year's 618 is even more exciting and shining thanks to LCF!