Unlimited business opportunities! HC Purchasing Group Gathered in Lianchengfa

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2019-06-21 15:24 Views: 1417

During the summer solstice, the sweltering heat is coming. On the afternoon of June 20, first-line outdoor advertising contractors, media companies, stage rental performance equipment providers, distributors, agents, contractors, system integrators, design companies, and construction contractors from all over the country The most representative industry professionals, such as advertising and decoration engineering company, gathered in Lianchengfa, and the company's marketing team welcomed merchants from afar.



This is an "intimate contact" between manufacturers and merchants, and it is also a great integration between manufacturers. Under the guidance of the staff, the HC Hundreds Group, which has a strong desire to purchase, meticulously recorded and shot various products, and communicated frankly and friendly with the accompanying sales staff.


      In the bustling crowd, the clean and tidy production workshop, the orderly production process, and the scientific and standardized corporate management all left a deep impression on the purchasing team.
        "Too shocking"! In the multifunctional exhibition hall, the small-pitch LED "Dragon Display" independently developed by Lianchengfa showed its "housekeeping skills" on the spot, and the immersive experience brought by the 3D cinema was strongly watched by the public. It is reported that 3D-LED display screens can be used in exhibitions, cultural education, military security, entertainment and sports and other industrial fields, which will bring people an unprecedented audio-visual experience.

        At the exchange meeting, Ms. Wei Yuhong, the deputy general manager of Lianchengfa, once again extended a warm welcome to the delegation and introduced the company's business sector, brand strength and the company's LED product advantages. The founder of the company, Ms. Long Pingfang, talked about the arduous course of entrepreneurship and the achievements that Lianchengfa has achieved in the stage rental market since the cooperation with the first domestic performance equipment Internet sharing rental platform "Hua Rong Yuncang" in 2019, and welcomed everyone on the spot. Resource Sharing.

        Recognizing brands and finding products must be "fast and accurate"! When products, services, and operating models have been unanimously recognized by everyone, the urgency and necessity of cooperation have emerged. After the exchange meeting, the consultation site was surrounded by buyers.



Looking back on the glory for fifteen years, it is the time to forge ahead! After witnessing the ups and downs of the LED industry, Lianchengfa is using the determination and courage to subvert the brand and channel core capabilities, demonstrating LCF's firm determination to build a global LED brand strategy.