The Flaming July Ushered in a "Good Start", and LCF Has Many Happy Events

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2020-07-06 09:16 Views: 1421

On the morning of July 4, 2020, Mr. Li Yuping, Vice Chairman of the Anning CPPCC of Yunnan Province, and Mr. Chen Hongyong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Anning Industrial Park, led a group of leaders from Anning Industrial Park to visit LCF. Wei Yuhong, Vice President of LCFs domestic business The lady and others accompanied him.



The leaders went deep into the production workshop, carefully observed the company's three major products, and the operation and management of the smart park, and had a more intuitive understanding of the different product types, characteristics and application scenarios of LCF LED large screens. "This trip to LCF gave me a deep appreciation of the shock of the intelligent manufacturing of sound and light. You are a very good company!" Chairman Li Yuping highly praised the achievements of LCF.


President Ms. Long Pingfang took a group photo with the leaders

Although the visit process was very tightly arranged, the leaders did not forget to take the initiative to understand the problems encountered in the company's development during the current epidemic, and invited our company to visit Anning, and would like to provide certain support and help for the development of the Southeast Asian market. In this regard, the company's escorts were all moved by it! Finally, the president of the company, Ms. Long Pingfang, took a group photo with the leaders! 


At this time, there was news that the outdoor large screen in the central area of Mongkok, Hong Kong was completed. The project covers an area of 300 square meters and is located at the crossroads of bustling streets. It adds a beautiful scenery to the city; it is really a good start in July, and happy events come!

July is the month of floating melons and sinking plums, and it is also the month of searching up and down. While Lianchengfa vigorously promotes the new infrastructure projects of smart cities, domestic brand channel construction is advancing at full speed without stopping for a moment. Investment activities in individual blank areas are still in progress. The domestic marketing center will have a series of "weapons that help channel development" "Release, I wish them invincible and triumphant in the second half of the year full of unknowns!