Warmly Welcome The Leaders of Guizhou Cultural Tourism Department to Visit LCF

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2020-11-15 17:13 Views: 1387

On November 15th, Mr. Liu Yusong, director of the Information Center of Guizhou Cultural Tourism Department, Mr.Zhang Yonghuan, deputy director, and other leaders visited the headquarters of LCF. Mr.Zheng Zhi, vice president of LCF Marketing, warmly received the visiting leaders.



        The Department of Culture and Tourism of Guizhou Province is a newly established unit of the Guizhou Provincial Institutional Reform in 2018. It is a component of the Guizhou Provincial People's Government and is at the departmental level. Mainly responsible for the development of public cultural undertakings in the province, promoting the construction of public cultural service system and tourism public service construction, and in-depth implementation of smart scenic spots, smart cities, cultural benefits for the people, etc.

        As one of a leading led display company, LCF has been working in the field of smart scenic spots and smart cities for many years, and has created an integrated solution for 5G smart scenic spots, smart city command center visualization and distributed dispatching, providing management of scenic spots in multiple cities and urban cultural tourism activities. The development of cultural and tourism business provides all-weather, full-scene high-quality visualization guarantee.

        They visited the exhibition hall of LCF in Shenzhen, and inspected a series of innovative technologies such as LCF's cultural tourism business performance solutions, commercial display engineering solutions, big data visualization platform, smart city "end + cloud" solutions, etc. results and applications. Through listening to the introduction and personal experience, Director Mr.Liu Yusong and his party spoke highly of LCF's product innovation and technological innovation capabilities, and appreciated the advantages and mature applications of LCF's 5G smart pole design technology and smart city visual cloud management system.

        Subsequently, President Mr.Zheng of LCF introduced the technical advantages and application of LCF's 5G smart city integrated solution to them, and demonstrated the LCF's 5G smart city visual cloud management platform together. Smart cities are inseparable from smart poles. The collection of various data such as traffic flow statistics, vehicle-route coordination, and environmental monitoring requires a basic platform built by smart poles to provide big data sharing services for smart cities and promote the interconnection of all things.


       Finally, Mr. Zheng and Director Mr.Liu Yusong conducted in-depth exchanges on the development status and future trends of smart scenic spots and smart cities. Mr. Zheng said that LED applications, as the final entrance and core of intelligent interaction of big data in the 5G era, will be indispensable in the construction of new infrastructure and smart cities. He hopes to develop more cooperation with Guizhou Cultural Tourism Department in the future and continue to expand LED products. Apply and accelerate the implementation of smart pole construction to achieve win-win development. Director Mr.Liu Yusong affirmed LCF's achievements in the field of smart scenic spots and 5G smart city new infrastructure, and wished LCF's future development.

In the future, LCF will continue to focus on technology and product innovation, actively embrace cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. Enabling the various fields within, contributing meager efforts to the construction of a beautiful China!