[Don't forget your original intentions, build your dreams and move forward] Liancheng sends a new year's speech for 2020

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2020-01-03 11:39 Views: 1285

 In a blink of an eye, the arrow has crossed the annual ring and arrived in 2020. The extraordinary 2019 has been recorded in the annals of history. More than 360 days and nights, it has witnessed the majestic power of all colleagues in Lianchengfa to build dreams together, and has written a new chapter in the field of sound, light, and intelligent manufacturing integration.


On the occasion of the coming of the New Year, on behalf of Lianchengfa’s board of directors, management and all employees, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the leaders at all levels and friends from all walks of life who have paid attention to, trusted and strongly supported Lianchengfa for a long time; Sincere greetings to all the employees who have made outstanding contributions to the leap-forward development of Lianchengfa, it is your dedicated attitude and innovative spirit that have allowed Lianchengfa to move forward steadily. 

        2019 is a year for Liancheng to move forward. Lianchengfa's unique business operation model of "Integration of Sound, Optoelectronics and Intelligent Manufacturing" has won many top awards in the industry. While emitting the strongest voice in the industry, social satisfaction and influence have also been continuously improved.


Lianchengfa focuses on the integrated strategy of sound, photoelectric and intelligent manufacturing, based on the R&D-Intelligent Manufacturing-Operation Troika as the company's operating foundation, supporting global brand expansion (domestic and foreign channels), personalized customization (engineering), and deduction of the ecological chain (rental) He Yuncang) three major business platforms.


  Breakthroughs are the result of industry changes taking advantage of the trend.

         Lianchengfa released the three major LED display series products of "Dragon Display", "Dragon Art" and "Long Teng" in 2019, which are suitable for different scenarios according to the different needs of users. While giving people a strong visual impact, It also filled the product with a sense of power and technology. Once it came out, it caused a major response.

        In this year, Liancheng launched the integrated sound-optical intelligent manufacturing strategy, and carried out in-depth cooperation with many well-known enterprises and celebrities, and accumulated hundreds of large-scale classic cases. Such as: Huawei, Wal-Mart, BOE, China Resources, OPPO, Shenzhen Metro, IMC, IPEX, Damai.com, Zhejiang Satellite TV, Beijing Satellite TV, Shenzhen Satellite TV and other companies; Jay Chou, Zhang Shaohan, Xiao Jingteng, Wilber Pan, Zhang Jie, Wang Xinling, Jolin Tsai, Jacky Cheung and other stars concert.

         This year, Liancheng Fasheng Optoelectronics Smart Industrial Park was completed. 

        Hard work is the youth challenge dreamed by all colleagues in Lianchengfa.


       In the past year, all colleagues of Lianchengfa have solidified the cornerstone of the development of LED display screens in their forge The original intention of "intelligent manufacturing integrated service provider"; subverted the traditional LED display management method, through a new model of operation + research and development + intelligent manufacturing, became the first enterprise in China to build an integrated service provider of sound, light and electricity; Innovatively propose a sound-optic industry chain model, integrating digital innovation and development, artificial intelligence, Internet development, and modern multi-functional studios, deducting a new ecological model, based in China, and serving the world!

        In 2020, the integration and crossover of the acoustic and optoelectronic industry, as well as the attention and investment of capital, will further intensify competition; driven by consumption upgrades, we are bound to usher in new growth. Under the new strategic thinking, we have higher requirements, and the total sales target is 1 billion.        

In the face of looming market opportunities, the power of dreams will always urge us to keep running forward. In 2020, Lianchengfa will continue to optimize its products and services, focusing on three series of products: small pitch (320X160MM), light pole screens, and large conference screens. All colleagues of Lianchengfa will continue to carry forward the craftsman spirit of excellence, continue to summarize and improve product and service capabilities, persist in innovation and develop new businesses. By 2020, in the modern Internet + era, continue to promote the prosperity and development of the acoustic and optoelectronic industry, and strive to bring a more economical, safer, and more environmentally friendly development environment for China, and to warm the society with a sincere heart.

        "Ten thousand years is too long, and we can only fight for the day and night." The dream is ahead, and the road is under your feet. The blueprint is drawn, and the sails are just set to break the waves; there is a long way to go, and more efforts are needed. We will stand at a new starting point, face new opportunities, concentrate our efforts, work side by side, and continue to write a new chapter with passion and fighting spirit!
       Finally, I wish friends from all walks of life who care about Lianchengfa and support the development of Lianchengfa in the new year, good health, smooth work, happy family and all the best!
   Long Pingfang, Founder and President of Lianchengfa