Summarize the present and win the future! Lianchengfa's 2019 mid-year summary meeting was successfully held

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2019-07-22 14:45 Views: 1681

 Accumulate and forge ahead! A company that is content with the status quo and does not make progress is not a good company. As a national-level high-tech enterprise seeking development and aggressiveness, Lianchengfa will not stop its progress. Half of 2019 has passed. The arrival of the second half of the year also means to meet new challenges. In order to better customize the future development policy of the company, Ms. Long Pingfang, the founder of Lianchengfa, organized the company on the morning of July 19, 2019. The backbone conducted a mid-year summary meeting.


       This meeting is not only a summary of the first half of the year, but also a plan for the second half of the year. This meeting is undoubtedly one of the most important meetings of Lianchengfa in 2019. Everyone also attaches great importance to this meeting. Sufficient preparations have been made half a month before the start of the meeting. At the meeting, various key personnel analyzed the department's harvest in the first half of 2019 and the future strategic layout plan in detail. The founder, Ms. Long Pingfang, also commented on everyone's work summary one by one, affirmed the achievements and pointed out the shortcomings. One of the most important items is the development plan of Anshun subsidiary Lianshunda (Lianshunda Technology Co., Ltd.). The general manager of Lianshunda, Mr. Xie Jin, pointed out that Lianshunda is like Lianchengfa’s brothers and feet. If you want to have a strong On the whole, the "limbs" must be strong, so Lianshunda must develop quickly, and then he will take more strict control and lead Lianshunda to grow stronger!


        At the meeting, the founder Ms. Long Pingfang proposed that we must maintain an enterprising spirit and strive to double the performance in the second half of the year and develop a larger market. In addition, all departments should focus on team building, cultivate talents, and build a stronger work team. As the founder, she will fully support the needs of talent training and corporate development, as well as all aspects of the development of each subsidiary. fall!



      After four and a half hours, this mid-year summary meeting was successfully concluded. Everyone also clarified the future development direction of the company in this discussion. Chairman Mao Qiangjun summarized the meeting as a key representative. He emphasized that work must be implemented quickly in accordance with the results of the discussion at the meeting. At the same time, he will also strengthen supervision and hope that the heads of various departments will cooperate with each other for the next step. Work together for the half-year goal!



        In the next six months, Lianchengfa will focus on the promotion of "Dragon Series" products, enhance performance goals, open up new markets, and promote the concept of Yuncang. At the same time, it will continue to strengthen the research and development of new products and team building. In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the team, commend the advanced, and establish a role model, at the end of the meeting, rewards and commendations were given to the teams.



The society is cruel, whether it is for the development of the enterprise or for the development of the individual, if you do not advance, you will be eliminated. The horn of war in the second half of the year has been blown to us. All employees of Lianchengfa must be ready to prepare for 11 points. I believe that under the leadership of the founder Ms. Long Pingfang and the joint efforts of everyone, Lianchengfa will definitely We will break through new opportunities in the second half of 2019 and win a better future!