[LCF Lianchengfa-the leader of the new model of stage beauty rental ecology] The first shot of the new channel strategy in 2019 was launched, and the

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2019-07-08 15:06 Views: 1609

  On July 6, 2019, the stage art industry exchange conference was held in Jiangcheng, Wuhan. This stage industry Internet feast gathered the industry’s top celebrities. More than 500 mainstream media outlets across the country, such as Sohu and Sina, gathered together, focusing on the Internet in all aspects. Openly interpret the transformation of the stage art industry, unite the industry's top manufacturers and stage art suppliers to accurately connect, conduct cross-provincial and cross-regional resource and technical exchanges, and achieve win-win cooperation. Lianchengfa was invited to attend as a core supporting supplier.



Vice President Wei Yuhong of Lianchengfa attended the exchange meeting as the representative of Lianchengfa. At the exchange meeting, Vice President Wei Yuhong introduced the development history of Lianchengfa and the achievements of Lianchengfa’s major projects. During the meeting, Lianchengfa’s The outstanding achievements and the success of professional and powerful LED display products have aroused the enthusiastic attention of the on-site industry personnel. 


  In the product display area, Liancheng Development showed that the private model exclusively sells the new favorite of the stage-Longyi. Longyi has become the new favorite of the stage by virtue of its own high-precision and high-professional advantages. The scene also attracted many potential partners. consult. After the careful explanation by the staff of Lianchengfa and the intuitive experience on the spot, everyone fully affirmed the LED products of Lianchengfa. 


      Lianchengfa has always adhered to the tenet of excellence and focus on professionalism to create high-standard, high-quality LED products and solutions, whether it is team management or the pursuit of product quality, and Lianchengfa’s trip is also to recruit more What a passionate dream partner, and the "Dragon Series" products meet the needs of multiple parties, maximize the use of resources, deeply integrate the Internet and traditional models, and create a new stage of development ecology. If you have a dream, then, we welcome you to join, walk with the strong, we will definitely become the strong!