Let LCF be together with you when the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming!

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2022-09-09 18:28 Views: 1605

When "Haoyue" meets "Teacher"

Reunion meets gratitude

double festival day

Good days are more warm


On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival

In order to express the company's love for every employee

Also, to thank you all for your hard work

September 9 afternoon

LCF distributed Mid-Autumn Festival benefits to all employees

Sending deep love and full of Mid-Autumn Festival blessings to the family


Whenever the traditional festival comes

LCF will distribute considerate and affordable welfare packages to employees

This year, the company's benefits for employees are big gift packages such as moon cakes and grapefruit

It symbolizes the reunion and beauty of the full moon


When everyone took over boxes of heavy welfare packages in their hands

I also deeply felt the deep care and warmth of the company's leaders.

It also enhances cohesion, well-being and belonging for all

All praise

They all expressed their satisfaction with the company's carefully selected welfare packages

Affordable and practical

The company is filled with a warm and harmonious atmosphere of joy


The heavy welfare brings laughter to everyone

It also brought a lot of inspiration to the family

everyone said

Will definitely turn the care given by the company into the next work motivation

Make persistent efforts, continue to fight

Grasp production and create benefits with higher enthusiasm for work

Make more contributions to the company's development with practical actions


Full moon, round people, reunion

Mid-autumn moon is getting round

Years are similar, years are different


from different homes

Gathered in the big family of Lianchengfa

We do our part

Go hand in hand and grow together

On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival

LCF wishes all family members, partners and customers

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happiness and well-being!