Precise layout Lianchengfa channel agent "contend of a hundred schools of thought"

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2018-03-07 10:33 Views: 1550

On March 6, 2018, Lianchengfa Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 837293) launched a series of “Welcome Home” activities for channel agents. People" received and gathered together. While sharing the fruitful results of 2017, they also had a comprehensive discussion on the development strategy for 2018. The scene was full of friends and a hundred schools of thought contended.




This is an event of wisdom collision and unification of ideas. As a leader in the LED display industry, the founder Ms. Long Pingfang knows that these first batch of channel vendors will play an important role in the future expansion of Lianchengfa's channel construction. I hope that everyone can demonstrate the power of role models, have the same concept and action, and become the best and most influential team in the LED display industry.


      The most fundamental principle of channel construction is to understand value sharing. Ms. Long Pingfang made an insightful analysis of the LED market status and development direction and pointed out that in 2017, Lianchengfa successively undertook the construction and installation of thousands of display projects, and the company was able to maintain a steady increase in profits. Without the efforts of the Lianchengfa team, it is also inseparable from the support of Lianchengfa's distributors and partners. The company has made a blueprint for the domestic channel operation and market construction in the next three years. It will increase the cultivation and development of the channel market in 2018, and continue to export funds, talents and technology to the channel layout in order to further deepen the two parties. Cooperation space, and jointly build a more transparent, sunny, and honest supply chain relationship, and escort distributors in various regions to continue to occupy the dominant position in the market. The wonderful sharing aroused strong resonance and response from participating dealers.



     Since Liancheng released its channel market in 2017, channel construction has been quite effective. This is inseparable from Liancheng’s professional marketing team: select high-quality distributors and agents across the country, in major domestic cities Establish a warehousing center to ensure the speed and quality of services; unify the size of the channel modules to increase the stability, reliability and versatility of the LED display. This has led to a substantial increase in sales after the product was introduced to the market, and it was once in short supply. situation. In order to enhance brand influence and better serve channel terminals, Lianchengfa has established a holding subsidiary in Guizhou—Anshun Lianshunda Technology Co., Ltd., with a monthly production capacity of 500,000 LED modules, which will be able to radiate the entire Southwest and even the entire Southwest. National market.


      After 14 years of intensive work in the industry, the brand value of Lianchengfa’s “LCF” has continued to increase. With perfect customer service, unparalleled technical advantages and international channel advantages in more than 30 countries around the world, its products are distributed in 30 provinces and autonomous regions in China It has established good cooperative relations with companies in more than 100 countries and regions including France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Vietnam, India, the United States, Malaysia, Kuwait, Thailand, Italy, Argentina, etc., and has won " "National High-tech Enterprise", "Double Software Enterprise", "National Quality Inspection Qualified Product Enterprise", "Shenzhen Software Association Member", "National Quality Trustworthy Product Enterprise", "New Third Board Top 30 Enterprise", "AAA Grade Credit" Enterprise" and other awards, and has more than 20 national authorized patents.


      Dreams illuminate the future. The successful holding of the "Welcome Home" series of activities for channel vendors has made channel vendors full of confidence in the strategic cooperation with Lianchengfa as the core. In the follow-up, I believe that more excellent channel vendors will join in, bravely assume responsibility and mission, seek common development, and move forward unremittingly.


Lianchengfa   led display