The leader in the LED era

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2016-12-26 13:42 Views: 1274

The Working Committee of the Five Old Funds of the Chinese Literature and Art Foundation

      Cultivate and practice the core values of socialism in the whole party and the whole society, and make better use of the role of veteran cadres, veteran soldiers, veteran experts, veteran teachers, and veteran models (hereinafter referred to as the "five elders") to promote the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the grand goal of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the China Literature and Art Foundation, China Charity Federation, China Television Artists Association, All-China Federation of Trade Unions Department of Economics and Technology, and State Administration of Radio, Film and Television jointly joined forces in 2008. The Organizing Committee of China's Five Elders Public Welfare Project was established. The organizing committee carried out a series of public welfare activities with the theme of reflecting the performance and spiritual outlook of the "Five Elders" through channels such as television communication, magazine series publication, and exhibitions. The Chinese Literature and Art Foundation Five Elders Fund aims to give full play to the unique role of the "five elders" in publicity and education, enhance the respect and understanding of the "five elders" in the whole society, and promote the cause and prosperity of the "five elders".


       Vice Chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles——Li Mu


       Li Mu, from Penglai, Shandong. Director, Deputy Director, and Director of the Personnel Department of Beijing Radio and Television Bureau, Deputy Director of Beijing TV Station, Director of Beijing TV Art Center, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Beijing TV Station, and Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. In July 1998, he was appointed Director of the Arts and Culture Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In November 2006, he was elected as the vice chairman, member of the Party group and secretary of the Secretariat of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Later, he served as Vice Chairman and Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.


      President of the Armed Police Press-Gao Jintao


      Gao Jintao, from Hubei Dawu, doctor of higher education, calligraphy and painting, is currently the president of the Armed Police Press. Was awarded the title of "Asia's Most Valuable Calligraphy and Painter". President of the Armed Police Press, Chairman of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Promotion Association, Dean of the China Children's Culture and Art Foundation-Guangai Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Standing Director of the Chinese Traditional Culture Promotion Association, Director of the Chinese Art Research Association, Director of the China Industrial Design Association, Chinese Military Deputy Secretary-General of the Writing Association, member of the Chinese National Ceremony Artists Association, and vice chairman of the Net Art Committee of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters.


    On December 24, 2016, the Chinese Literature and Art Foundation Wu Lao Fund established an office in Shenzhen. Minister Li Mu, Secretary-General Chen Taiping, and representatives of the Wu Lao Fund participated in the unveiling ceremony and authorized the Shenzhen LED Display Manufacturers Association at the meeting. Ms. Long Pingfang, the founder of Chengfa Technology Co., Ltd., was the chairman unit. After that, Minister Li Mu and Director Niu Tong visited Lianchengfa’s production base. Ms. Long Pingfang introduced the company’s products, And the future development of the enterprise. Minister Li Mu pointed out that smart cities are the inevitable trend of future development. According to the needs of market products, product innovation must be accelerated. The number of product images must be above 4K. Product quality must be improved. market. At the same time, it is said that LED display screens will be used more and more in the cultural industry now and in the future. Finally, Minister Li Mu wished that Lianchengfa could integrate with the capital market, go faster and fly farther!



    In order to express the importance of Lianchengfa, a special inscription: "Lianchengfa sees the whole world".
