Lianchengfa won the “Fourth China LED Innovation Award” as one of the top 30 companies on the New Third Board

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2017-04-24 11:55 Views: 1255

On April 22, the 4th China LED Initiative Award Ceremony hosted by the Semiconductor Lighting Technology and Application Professional Committee of the Chinese Illuminating Society and the Daily LED Media was grandly held in Xiaolan, Zhongshan. 300 leaders, experts and scholars in the national LED industry Enterprise representatives attended the conference. Leaders of Lianchengfa (stock code: 837293) were invited to attend the award ceremony.


 It is reported that the China LED Pioneer Award is a national award in the field of domestic technological innovation. This year's selection activity received a total of 280 applications for evaluation, and outstanding LED companies from home and abroad won awards such as the top 30 technological innovation companies, the top 30 companies on the New Third Board, the Urban Development Contribution Award, the International Cooperation Award, and the First Gold Award.



  Wei Hongrui, Mayor of Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan, Li Jiahao, Party Committee Member of Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan, Bing Shukui, Chairman of China Illuminating Society, Sun Qinghuan, Chairman of Mulinsen Co., Ltd., Professor Zhang Guoyi of Peking University, Professor Fang Zhilie of Fudan University and other guests attended the conference. 


  This conference provided the LED industry with an opportunity for in-depth sharing and exchange of content including technology and industry development trends, corporate investment expansion options, international market development, and innovative application market opportunities. Further promote the accelerated development of China's LED technology and innovative applications.


  At the first prize presentation ceremony and Mulinsen Night Appreciation Dinner, industry colleagues from all corners of the world gathered together. The audience was full and orderly. From here, it is enough to see the importance of LED industry professionals to this event. 

  Leaders of Lianchengfa were invited to attend this awards ceremony. Shenzhen Lianchengfa Technology Co., Ltd. is a national-level company specializing in the research and development, design, manufacturing, sales and service of LED displays, LED lighting, and LED lighting products. high-tech enterprises. Founded in 2014, after 13 years of ups and downs, it has been steadily and steadily, enjoying a good reputation in the domestic and foreign markets。

Compared with other NEEQ companies, Lianchengfa’s listing on the NEEQ is not too early. However, with the benign operation of capital after listing, it has opened up new financing channels. The development and growth of the company is obvious to all. Therefore, the 30 In the strong competition, it won the affirmation of the event judges. The top 30 of the New Third Board is well deserved!


Lianchengfa   led display