How do LED electronic display manufacturers deal with "channel fragmentation"?

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2020-09-29 09:43 Views: 1481

The current LED display industry, on the one hand, is the industry's leading screen companies opening up the online market activity mode, and under the convenient promotion of the live broadcast platform, payment platform, and logistics platform, making LED display products closer to the end user market; on the other hand, On the one hand, e-commerce retail platforms are gradually emerging and will become more diversified in the future. So, how should LED screen companies respond?



1. Unswervingly make a good product: The more channels there are, the better for the company. Of course, this means that the past channel interest pattern will be broken, or the hegemony of strong channels will be restricted. With this kind of clarity, companies instead have more time, energy and resources to invest in the core product development and innovation process.

In recent years, with the reshuffle and reorganization of industrial channels, more and more LED screen companies have begun to pay attention to changes in market demand. While continuing to optimize channels, they have shifted their business centers to product innovation and continue to promote Micro/Mini LED, The development of new technologies and new products such as COB and co-cathode screens has broken the assertion that many people in the industry had "no small spacing and no innovation" in the industry a few years ago.

2. Honesty and no deception to benefit customers: No matter how good the product is, it needs to be sold through channels. Therefore, for companies, customers are as important as products. Although for different customers, the policies, resources and products that companies can provide are not the same. However, the company should have the same attitude towards all customers, that is, be honest and not deceive, treat customers sincerely, and benefit customers. We must do our best to ensure stable and reliable product quality and maintain market policy and pricing stability.

The current pain of many distributors is not that the market is not good, but that they worry that manufacturers will be in disorder. On the one hand, the price is randomly set, and different customers are allowed to self-harm each other. On the other hand, they are thinking out of order, and it is easy to be driven by the market.

3. Serve customers sincerely and calmly: Good products will "long legs" to customers. The concept of this good product is "not only a good product, but also a good service". Manufacturers, distributors, and service providers must be just right. As we all know, for "non-strong interaction" products such as LED displays, the link that manufacturers maintain their relationship with users is service. This service is divided into two types: active and passive: the former is to provide users with regular free cleaning, maintenance and other services; the latter is to provide users with a quick response to immediately solve the needs, so that users are less anxious and wait less.

In the era of "everyone is a channel", LED screen companies need to be based on a long-term perspective, and sincerely serve users from the perspective of users. In this case, although the content of products and services can be layered, the quality of services cannot be different due to the high or low of the goods purchased by users.

In addition, in the face of "everyone is a channel" in the new environment, dealers need more refined and professional operations to reduce costs and improve efficiency. There is no shortcut in the industry in the future. The comparison is: differentiated products, flat channels, competitive prices, providing good user experience and service operations.