The five departments issued a document, and the virtual reality welcomed the heavy policy increase!

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2022-12-01 11:23 Views: 827

On November 1, the virtual reality industry ushered in an important strategic node: five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Administration of Radio and Television, and the State Sports General Administration jointly issued the "Integrated Virtual Reality and Industry Applications" Development Action Plan (2022-2026)" (Gongxin Bulian Electronics [2022] No. 148). (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan") This will be an authoritative and all-round five-year development plan covering basic technology to specific application fields at the national level for the domestic virtual reality industry. It is also the first time that the virtual reality industry has received such high-level planning attention. Next, LCF sent the editor to take everyone to take a look!

The Origin and Development of the Action Plan

In the past 10 years, the virtual reality industry chain has accelerated on a global scale. It involves many aspects such as computing, data storage, software, emerging consumer hardware, CPU and display technology professional innovation, emerging business models and application field expansion, and new digital space scene construction. It has become a relatively mature and determined metaverse industry chain. It is one of the key branch industrial chains with strong characteristics.

 Against this background, domestic technology investment, capital allocation, and policy research on the virtual reality industry have never stopped. For example, in September 2016, under the guidance of the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Industry of Virtual Reality Alliance (IVRA) was established in Beijing; "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of the Virtual Reality Industry"; "The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and Outline of Long-term Objectives for 2035" passed in March 2021 included "virtual reality and augmented reality" in the number economic key industries.


It can be said that attaching great importance to the virtual reality industry is a "consistent" thing in my country's industrial policy. In October 2021, the 2021 World VR Industry Conference Cloud Summit, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Jiangxi Provincial Government, officially proposed to compile the "Action Plan for the Integration and Development of Virtual Reality and Industry Applications". In the past year, relevant departments, associations, practitioners and industry organizations, after multiple interactions, docking and exchanges, on the basis of in-depth investigation and research, and extensive listening to opinions, have finally finalized and completed the " action plan".

It can be said that this "Action Plan" is not only the development program, but also the consensus of the industry, and it is also the concentration of "high attention and strong support" for the virtual reality industry at the national level. Especially in terms of domestic practice and application, global innovation leadership of technology and business models, it provides huge forward-looking guidance and quantitative support.

Virtual Reality Creates the Future, the Significance of the Action Plan

The strategic significance of "virtual reality and augmented reality" has been clearly stated in the "The 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the 2035 Long-term Goal Outline" and is divided into four main directions: drive 1. Mode of production, 2. Life style, 3. Changes in governance methods, 4. The birth of new industries, new formats and new models. These four points are summed up to change the existing production, life and social governance, and to create new industries, formats and models that belong to the future.

In the "Action Plan", the importance of the development of the virtual reality industry is emphasized again. At the beginning, it is mentioned that "virtual reality (including augmented reality and mixed reality) is an important frontier direction of the new generation of information technology and a major forward-looking field of the digital economy. It will profoundly change the way of production and life of mankind.”

Upgrade virtual reality from simple product and consumption to "revolution of human production and lifestyle"; from simple economic innovation to "social innovation"; from simple corporate behavior to "social behavior". It can be said that the virtual reality industry is related to economic development and upgrading, social culture and civilization growth, national governance and information and public opinion security. Such an important highland of innovative industries in the future must be vigorously strived for.

At the same time, the "Action Plan" also gave a major "historic judgment" on the development of the virtual reality industry: that is, "the strategic window period for industrial development has been formed." The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology pointed out that after years of development, the virtual reality industry has initially built an ecosystem based on technological innovation, and is entering a strategic window period focusing on product upgrades and integrated applications. ——that is, it emphasizes that technology is still at the peak of innovation, and it also emphasizes that the curtain of "application landing" is accelerating. This is an opportunity for the industry to increase the development of the virtual reality industry, and it is also likely to be a critical moment for the formation of an international discourse power and an independent standard system.

Therefore, the introduction of the "Action Plan" is both accurate and urgent in terms of time and space. The "Action Plan" is not only a direction guide, but also a specific task. Strong targeting and rich details are also the main features of this Action Plan.

The "Action Plan" is both a goal and a task

The "Action Plan" proposes the macro and specific goals for the development of the domestic virtual reality industry:

Among them, the macro aspect mainly emphasizes that by 2026, key breakthroughs will be made in key technologies of 3D, virtual and real fusion immersive audio and video, a new generation of human-friendly virtual reality terminal products will continue to be enriched, the industrial ecology will be further improved, and virtual reality will achieve scale in important economic and social industries. Form a number of backbone enterprises and industrial clusters with strong international competitiveness, and create an industrial development pattern in which technology, products, services and applications prosper together. ——The core of this goal is "to have scale" and "to prosper in the whole chain from technology to application", which fully affirms the growth and opportunities of the virtual reality industry in the next five years.

In terms of specific goals, the "Action Plan" uses a series of figures to illustrate. For example, (by 2026) the overall scale (including related hardware, software, applications, etc.) will exceed 350 billion yuan, the sales volume of virtual reality terminals will exceed 25 million units, and 100 key enterprises with strong innovation capabilities and industry influence will be cultivated to create 10 agglomerations with regional influence and leading the ecological development of virtual reality, build 10 industrial public service platforms... carry out 10 types of virtual audio-visual production application demonstrations, create 10 "virtual reality +" fusion application leading cities and parks, and form At least 20 characteristic application scenarios and 100 pioneer cases of integrated applications.

It can be said that in terms of specific goals and quantitative indicators, it better interprets the implementation path and realization of "scale" and "application chain" in the macro goals.

Especially at the specific application level, the "Action Plan" proposed, virtual reality + industrial production, virtual reality + cultural tourism, virtual reality + integrated media, virtual reality + education and training, virtual reality + sports health, virtual reality + business creativity , virtual reality + performing arts and entertainment, virtual reality + security emergency, virtual reality + assistance for the disabled, virtual reality + smart city and other ten specific scenarios.

In addition to the goals, the "Action Plan" is more task-oriented, even specific to every detail and branch industry, every specific component and product:

The "Action Plan" further summarizes the details of the industry supply and application side into three major tasks and three special projects of "promoting the integration and innovation of key technologies, improving the supply capacity of the entire industry chain, and accelerating the implementation of multi-industry and multi-scenario applications", further highlighting "core technology innovation" , large-scale development and application into a chain" as the overall development goal, and implement each specific detail task.

For example, the "Action Plan" on supply emphasizes the research and development of high-performance, low-power virtual reality dedicated processing chips that support 8K60 frames and above video codec, high-performance graphics rendering, sensor fusion and 3D reconstruction; key development Highly realistic 3D modeling technology for geometry, physics, physiology, and behavior; focus on promoting the upgrade of micro-display technologies such as Fast-LCD, silicon-based OLED, and MicroLED, and develop high-performance free-form surfaces, BirdBath optical modules, arrays, and diffractive optical waveguides And other devices... It can be said that it covers the current research and development focus of the industry in great detail.

At the same time, the "Action Plan" also emphasizes the forward-looking technical layout in terms of technology supply. For example, in terms of interactive technology, there are not only "development of gesture tracking, eye tracking, expression tracking, full-body motion capture, immersive sound field, high-precision environment understanding and 3D reconstruction technology"; , Virtual mobile, tactile feedback, brain-computer interface and other multi-channel interactive technology research" and other future technology directions. For another example, the "Action Plan" proposes to "support the construction of open source software communities for immersive content development, encourage openness to the society, and support the production of user-generated content (UGC)", these future industry models have not yet appeared. — That is, the task instruction of "focusing on the present" and "taking into account the future" has been realized on the specific details of the supply side.

In addition to the supply side, the detailed tasks of the "Action Plan" are also reflected in the detailed guidance on the "demand and application side". For example, promote the construction of intelligent workshops and virtual production lines based on virtual reality technology, and build a cross-field and cross-link simulation and collaborative development environment... Cultivation includes development and design, manufacturing and assembly, operation and maintenance inspection, remote collaboration, marketing display, etc. Including no less than 50 typical application industrial scenarios. Another example is to promote the development of interactive immersive digital experience products in scenic spots, resort areas, and neighborhoods, and to develop new tourism services such as immersive interactive experience, virtual display, and smart tour build a normalized "virtual reality + performing arts" platform to support Art troupes and performing arts institutions hold online immersive performing arts activities...etc.

It can be said that this "Action Plan" has gone beyond the scope of the general "directional program document", and is basically a "five-year implementation rules" for the virtual reality industry at the national level. The fineness of its content, the certainty of details, and the rigor of the chain are unprecedented. This means that the virtual reality industry has really entered a critical development window period of "landing and winning", and it also represents the serious research and high attention to this industry at the national level.

 New journey, new starting point, starting with virtual reality

The "Action Plan" is an assembly number and a charge number! Industry experts pointed out that the release of the "Action Plan" has established the development program, industry goals, and action strategies of the domestic virtual reality industry, and will become an important support and evidence for the further strategic upgrading of the domestic virtual reality industry.

"Seize the window period and focus on the frontier"! The virtual reality industry is ushering in the peak of explosion. This stage is also a major key node for the industry to establish global rules and standards. Taking the release of the "Action Plan" as the driving force, it is believed that the virtual reality industry will quickly form a wave of "struggling to be the first to create excellence", and the further take-off and development of the national virtual reality industry is just around the corner.

Attachment: (quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)
