What Should I Do if the Outdoor Monochrome LED Display has Garbled Characters?

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2022-03-28 11:30 Views: 850

Especially in the outdoor monochromatic LED display, there will be garbled characters. How to solve garbled characters. What should I do if the LED display has garbled characters?


The problem of water leakage and water entry: First of all, the garbled characters on the LED display are mostly related to water leakage. Due to improper rain protection measures, water will be immersed after it rains. Causes a short circuit on the circuit board, resulting in garbled characters. If this happens, it is recommended to contact the supplier or repair factory for repair immediately.

Data transmission problem: The control circuit output from the computer to the screen is faulty, focus on checking the power supply and signal input parts of the screen. Such as damage to the control system board, damage to the data cable interface, and reverse connection of the data cable, etc., will cause garbled characters on the outdoor display.

Cable problem: In the case of excluding the power supply problem, test whether the power supply of the module at the defective part is normal (if the abnormal first block has 80% dark and bright, it is a power supply problem).

Software or control card problem: The LED display parameters have not been set properly. At this time, it is necessary to determine the scanning configuration problem, usually 1/4 scanning; if it is not a software problem, you can check the control card problem; if it is not good, only contact the service provider solve.