Three issues to consider when purchasing outdoor LED display equipment

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2020-08-18 Views: 4500

In fact, the LED display industry has developed to this day, the industry concentration is high, the technology is becoming more and more mature, and the price of raw materials tends to be transparent. Buying a display screen is like buying and assembling a computer. It can basically be inferred from the quotation. In any case, it is difficult to achieve a high-end screen. For screens with relatively high prices, it is possible to identify whether the product is shoddy by requiring the manufacturer to provide a list of main raw materials. Furthermore, the truly excellent LED display manufacturers are disdainful to gain undue benefits with their hands on quality. They regard brand value and business reputation above everything else. In the face of business reputation, short-sighted behavior regardless of long-term development is all Suicide.


1. Is the smaller the dot pitch of the optional display screen, the better?


With the increasing maturity of LED display application technology, many manufacturers are competing under the increasingly fierce competition, fighting for strength and technology. In recent years, the concept of small-pitch display screens has become popular in the industry, and the correct standards that users refer to when selecting equipment are gradually distorted. In the purchase of large-screen screens, the only point of view is the hero, thinking that the smaller the pitch, the better. Is this really the case? First of all, as a There are many factors that users need to refer to when choosing a large screen. The pixel pitch is only part of the reference basis. Purchase price, overall effect, service life, ease of control and maintenance, and after-sales service quality are all important factors for evaluating large-screen purchases.


It is undeniable that the display effect of small-pitch screens is much higher than that of screens with large pixel pitch. But it needs to be clear that at a reasonable viewing distance, the P10 and P16 displays have no difference in visual effects, but in terms of cost, the P10 is higher than the P16. Since it can also meet the needs of large-screen use, why choose P10 instead of P16? In terms of later operating costs, the electricity bill of P10 is far higher than that of P16. Choosing a big screen is not about purchasing art, the better it looks, the better. The real purpose of purchasing a big screen is to create value through it. The same effect, different prices, different operating costs, which is better and which is worse, it is self-evident. Therefore, when choosing an LED display, you cannot blindly think that the higher the resolution, the better. Instead, you should consider and compare various factors based on the actual situation of your own advertising location, and finally obtain the most ideal return with the most appropriate investment.


2. Low product price and long free after-sales service must be a trap


Without profit, where can the service come from? In the purchase of large screens, quite a number of users request that the free after-sales service should be longer and the price should be lower. These two indicators are also important indicators for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of large screens. In the case that the free after-sales service period in the LED display industry is generally 1 year, the super-long free after-sales service is indeed very attractive, and the price is still low, and there is no reason to refuse it. However, we must face up to the fact that whether it provides a free after-sales service period or a purchase price that is lower than the level of its peers, the premise of its survival is to obtain profits. Without the support of profits, it is difficult to have service guarantees and price support.


Some people may say that I don't care if he makes a profit or not. Anyway, if there is a problem, he will come to repair it for free. Is this really the case? In the current fierce competition in the LED display industry, there are indeed some manufacturers who blindly promise long-term free after-sales service and free warranty for three, five, or even eight years. There is only one purpose, to sacrifice the future in exchange for the current order. As for whether the promise can be fulfilled in the future, it is not a problem he is considering now. As a user, it seems that you are taking a big advantage at the moment, but the moment you make a choice, you are destined to deal with wrangling and buck-passing for a long time in the future.


3. You get what you pay for, cheap is not good, and good is not cheap


The relationship between quality and price is not very appropriate, but it is very vivid to express the relationship between quality and price. In life, we often encounter the problem of price comparison, and there are too many cases to prove the relationship between price and quality. In the selection of large screens, because there are many assessment parameters involved and the professionalism is relatively strong, it is difficult for ordinary users to use professional means to evaluate whether the value of the screen is proportional to the investment. So in order to avoid the risk of buying cheap goods at high prices, we simply buy from low-priced manufacturers.


Therefore, when you buy something that is really valuable, you will feel distressed for a while, but it will make you feel comfortable for several years, while a low-priced inferior product will make you excited for a while when you buy it, but it will make you miserable for several years.