Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2017-12-08 Views: 3811
2.the overall parallel mode: one is a simple parallel form, the other is an independent matching parallel form. In the simple parallel mode, the LED1-n are connected in parallel end to end, and the voltages on each LED are equal during operation. This kind of reliability is not high, but it also adopts an independent matching parallel form to solve this problem, which has good driving effect, complete protection of a single full-color LED display, does not affect the work of other screens in case of failure, and can be matched with larger differences, etc.
3. Mixed connection method: The advantages of parallel connection and series connection mentioned in the appeal are comprehensive. It also includes 2 types. One is the hybrid mode of first serial and then parallel, and the other is the hybrid mode of first parallel and then serial.
4. Cross array method: The cross array form is mainly proposed to improve the reliability of the full-color LED display and reduce the failure rate.
The above are the four connection methods of full-color LED display that LED display manufacturer Liancheng sent to you to share and summarize. Which one to choose depends on the actual situation of the project.