What does the Itinerary Card "Catch the Stars" Mean for the LED Display Industry?

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2022-09-05 16:56 Views: 582

The cultural tourism market is a major incremental market in the LED industry. The recovery of cultural tourism also means that the layout of the LED industry in the cultural tourism industry will usher in returns.

In fact, whether it is lighting or screen, LED products have always been an extremely important part of cultural tourism projects. A mature scenic spot cannot be separated from the foil and rendering of LED lighting and LED screens. Specifically, the application of LED products in the field of cultural tourism mainly includes landscape lighting, light show/performance show, naked eye 3D, immersive experience space, etc. The recovery of the cultural tourism industry has a good impetus for many application scenarios of LED products in the cultural tourism field.


Among them, naked-eye 3D and immersive experience space are emerging popular application scenarios in recent years.

Glasses-free 3D presents a three-dimensional picture on a two-dimensional screen, and its imminent display effect has helped many cities create "popular" cultural and tourist attractions. At present, Lianchengfa Group is an old enterprise rooted in the LED display industry for 18 years, and it has also created a number of successful cases in the field of naked eye 3D.

It is worth mentioning that the hardware cost of naked-eye 3D is not much different from that of traditional LED large screens. The cost pressure of the high cost of naked-eye 3D projects mainly comes from content production. In order to compress this cost, LED screen companies have made efforts to the content side.

The introduction of policies such as the cancellation of the "asterisk" mark on the itinerary card is undoubtedly a good thing for the cultural tourism industry, but in actual implementation, consumers have found that it is not necessary to have a smooth travel that they want to go. Not so easy. According to news reports, after the cancellation of the "asterisk", alternative solutions have been introduced in many places, such as classifying the local health code with the color of the travel history label, or marking the health code with an exclamation mark; at the same time, some provinces and cities have In the epidemic prevention policy, visitors from cities in medium and high-risk areas are still required to undergo centralized isolation.

After the promulgation of the new policy, during the implementation process, we still need a certain amount of time to adjust the epidemic prevention measures, so that the policy can improve itself in the implementation, and make the normalized epidemic prevention and control more scientific and precise, and the epidemic prevention and control and economic development will be "two-handed". policy requirements, and earnestly implement them. The "unreachable" is only a short-term phenomenon in the implementation of the new policy, and it is a small flaw in the implementation of the new policy. Although the recovery of the cultural and tourism industry will not be achieved overnight, but will be a gradual process, but in the long run, a long-term source can flow long, and small water can last longer. For the tourism industry, "picking the stars" is still a warm spring breeze, and LED companies will also take this spring breeze to leap forward.