How Many Years Has the Hot Wind of Aports Events been Blowing in the LED Display Industry?

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2022-03-10 16:26 Views: 786

It seems that since last year, people's attention to sports events has reached an unprecedented height. The upsurge of sports culture is advancing with the times, which complements each other with the ever-improving display technology. The "scroll" at the Beijing Olympics can be regarded as the general "enlightenment" of the Chinese people to the application of LED displays in major sports events. In fact, the LED display has already appeared in sports events before, and it plays a huge role. Let's take a look at the "surging winds" of LED displays in sports events in those years.

When is the wind blowing? When did it flourish?

With the development of LED technology and the transformation and upgrading of stadiums, today's stadiums have replaced traditional light bulbs and CRT displays with LED displays, and the displayed content has gradually changed from previous numbers to text, pictures, and videos. The LED display screen of the stadium is the main means of game information display and live broadcast of the game. It is connected to the timing and scoring system of the game, broadcasts the players' game results and related materials, publishes sports game information, and displays text animations and video images. , is one of the most important information release carriers at the scene, and is the "soul" equipment in many facilities of the stadium.

According to relevant information, LED display screens have been successfully applied to sports events in 1995. In 1995, a giant LED screen with more than 1,000 square meters was used in the 43rd World Table Tennis Championships held in Tianjin, my country, for the first time. The use of domestic color LED displays has been widely praised. As a result, important domestic stadiums such as Shanghai Sports Center and Dalian Stadium have successively adopted LED displays as the main means of information reality.


Nowadays, LED displays have become an essential facility for modern large-scale stadiums, and it is an indispensable equipment to use a large number of LED displays in major sports events. The display system of the gymnasium should be able to clearly, timely and accurately display the information of sports competitions, display the actual situation of the competition through multimedia technology, and create a tense and warm competition atmosphere. At the same time, the system is required to have a simple, clear, accurate, fast, and easy-to-operate human-machine interface, support a variety of sports competition projects, meet the requirements of various sports competition rules, and be easy to maintain and upgrade.

The LED display screen is divided into two categories in terms of functional purposes: one is the playback function of sports events and on-site advertisements. It is used to broadcast the highlights of the arena (including other venues) at the game site, or to replay in slow motion or wonderful close-ups, etc., or to use 3D animation to express the game and a certain event, and to play commercial advertisements during the game interval, etc. . The other is the timing and scoring function. It is connected to the timing and scoring system of the game, and broadcasts the players' game results and related information. In the sense of the game, the timing and scoring screen is more important. Some stadiums may not have a large video screen, but it cannot be useless. on the timing and scoring screen.

Compared with the LED display screen for timing and scoring, the large LED screen installed in the stadium is more visible to the audience in the stadium. Athletes' entire game and exciting moments can be displayed in high-definition; slow-motion playback assists the referee in scoring points and maintains the fairness and justice of the game; the commercial advertisements play the icing on the cake, and the perfect picture quality and sound effects make the scene more competitive. and shocking. The timeliness and viewing of the information presented by the LED display are incomparable with other display carriers in stadiums.

In the silent growth process of the LED display, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics made it famous and famous. The super-large "reel", which is famous in the industry, has become one of the classic memories of the Chinese people for the Beijing Olympic Games. The dreamy LED floor screen stage with a length of 147 meters and a width of 22 meters has become a "voice certificate" for the LED display to enter the sports event. Since then, the application of LED display in sports events has become more and more extensive and flexible.

"Sports fever" brings "LED display fever". As sports events receive more and more attention, under the safety prevention and control of the epidemic, people are no longer satisfied with "cloud refueling", but also hope to participate in the event site To cheer for the athletes, the role of the on-site LED display is becoming more and more prominent and important. From now on, LED display can be said to have accompanied my country's sports industry for 27 years. my country's sports spirit and strength team are rising, and LED display technology is also making great strides. The two witness each other's progress. Climb to the peak of technology together. The hot wind of sports events has brought the dividends of LED displays in the sports market, as well as the irresistible development of new forces. LCF Group has been engaged in the LED industry for 18 years. It is a professional LED display research and development, manufacturing, sales and service enterprise, providing customers with satisfactory solutions.