LED Display Still Stands Out In China In 2017

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2017-01-23 10:58 Views: 2081

In recent years, the foreign LED display industry has grown rapidly. The strength of foreign LED display manufacturers is gradually increasing, and the market will spread all over the country in various provinces and even countries, but now many manufacturers have begun to focus on the domestic LED market and participate in the world. Market competition.

From the perspective of the global LED market from the past to the present, China is the largest market in the world, accounting for about 35%-40% of the global market. As the domestic LED market becomes more and more saturated, and there are more and more domestic LED display manufacturers and manufacturers, the competition is extremely fierce. Chinese LED display manufacturers must "go out" and embrace the global market in order to find new ones. Manufacturers have room for growth. However, in recent years, many major domestic policies have driven the economic development of neighboring countries, and China has become more and more closely connected with the global economy, and the domestic LED display market has a broad development space in the domestic market.

Everyone knows that China is the world’s most important production and export base for LED displays. Chinese LED display manufacturers produce more than 70% of the world’s LED displays. At present, more than 160 countries around the world buy LED displays from China. . Foreign countries are the main market for my country’s LED display output. However, as foreign markets are becoming increasingly saturated and market access has increased, in recent years, more domestic LED display export manufacturers have turned their attention to Russia and Southeast Asia. , Africa, Latin America and other emerging markets, these markets have shown a good momentum of growth, of which Russia is currently the most eye-catching performance in the emerging markets. At present, more and more domestic LED display manufacturers have joined the army to enter the domestic market. These display manufacturers are actively deploying domestic market development strategies and at the same time promoting their own manufacturers' brands by participating in a large number of domestic exhibitions.

After years of development, China’s LED display industry has accounted for more than 70% of the global LED display market and has a pivotal position in the world. In 2017, mainstream foreign markets will continue to maintain steady growth. The emerging Japan and South Korea The LED display market in the Middle East and Southeast Asian countries has obvious growth trends. With the economic development and infrastructure construction of these countries, the demand for LED displays will continue to increase. At the same time, along with China’s "Silk Road Economic Belt" With the continuous deepening of the economic development strategy related to the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road", China will have closer economic ties with foreign countries and other related countries, which will form favorable conditions for the export of LED displays and have a greater market potential.

In addition, the current small-pitch LED display market is also extremely hot, which is a manifestation of China's LED display's efforts to innovate. The small-pitch LED display shows us the strong market penetration of LED displays and the development potential of the entire market. , Chinese LED display manufacturers have achieved impressive results in the domestic market, but should still be aware of their own shortcomings. Now many domestic LED manufacturers do not pay attention to the protection of their patent rights, resulting in serious deterioration of product similarity and lack of innovation. The core technology patents of related LED displays have great drawbacks. A large part of the product market is rejected by foreign markets, hindering the domestic expansion of domestic LED displays. In addition, China’s LED display products have "strong brands and weak manufacturers". "Characteristics, more and more LED display manufacturers in China are beginning to focus on the branding of their products. We firmly believe that as China's LED display industry continues to enter the track of sound development, the domestic competitiveness of LED display products continues to increase. The domestic LED display market will further expand. It will achieve great results in the new year of 2017.